Colic in Infants

Colic is a common condition in newborns and infants that can cause discomfort due to poor digestion or an immature gut. Colic is characterized by severe abdominal pain caused by spasms in the intestines, which can be a distressing experience for both the person suffering from it and their caregivers. This blog post aims to help you understand the causes of colic and provide holistic management tips for parents.

What Causes Colic in Infants? 

There are various factors that can contribute to colic in infants, including:

  1. Poor latch during breastfeeding
  2. Poor gut microbiome of the mother during pregnancy
  3. Oral or vaginal thrush in infants or mothers during delivery
  4. Family history of allergies or intolerances
  5. Maternal history of reflux during pregnancy
  6. Allergies or intolerances to milks and fats
  7. Mixing breastfeeding with formula feeding frequently

Symptoms of Colic in Infants:

Infants with colic may experience a range of symptoms, including:

  1. Grunting and squirming while passing wind
  2. Mild vomiting of milk, both curdled and fresh
  3. Inconsolable crying, especially after feeding
  4. Smelly poos with a bit of mucous
  5. The need to nurse often without completely emptying the breast
  6. Refusal to breastfeed and pushing the breast away
  7. Restless sleep with frequent waking
  8. Trouble putting on weight
  9. Making a clicking sound while breastfeeding or bottle feeding
  10. Protruding umbilicus due to increased intra-abdominal pressure from wind and bloating

How to Manage Colic in Infants?

Holistic management of colic can help heal an infant's gut and improve digestion. Here are some tips to manage colic:

  1. Consult a lactation consultant to help with latch and continue breastfeeding.
  2. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet for a minimum of 6 weeks to reduce inflammation.
  3. Consider natural remedies such as probiotics and our Thrush drops to treat poor gut microbiome or yeast infections in mothers.
  4. Administer Colic Relief drops orally up to 3 times a day to aid digestion and reduce pain and bloating in infants.

Here are some benefits that proponents of homeopathy suggest for colic:

  1. Non-invasive and safe: Homeopathic remedies are considered to be gentle, non-invasive, and safe for people of all ages, including infants with colic.

  2. Potentially effective: Although there is a lack of scientific evidence to support homeopathy's effectiveness in treating colic, some studies have suggested that homeopathy can provide relief from colic symptoms, including abdominal pain, bloating, and irritability.

  3. No harmful side effects: Homeopathic remedies are believed to be safe and do not typically cause harmful side effects, which is a significant advantage over conventional medications that can cause side effects.

Here are some of the commonly used homeopathy remedies for colic:

  1. Colocynthis: This remedy is often used for colic with severe cramping pains that are better from pressure and warmth.

  2. Chamomilla: This remedy is often used for colic in infants who are irritable, restless and have a tendency to scream. The pain may be relieved by being carried or rocked.

  3. Magnesia Phosphorica: This remedy is often used for colic with cramping pains that are relieved by warmth and pressure.

  4. Nux Vomica: This remedy is often used for colic that is caused by overfeeding or indigestion. The person may be irritable, impatient and have a tendency to be constipated.

  5. Carbo Vegetabilis: This remedy is often used for colic with bloating and gas. The person may feel better from being in the open air.

If you are considering homeopathy for colic treatment, it is essential to talk to a qualified practitioner at Morkare Natural Clinic and your qualified healthcare provider.


Colic can be a challenging condition for both infants and parents. Understanding the causes of colic and taking a holistic approach to management can help improve an infant's gut health and reduce discomfort. Consult a healthcare provider for further advice and guidance.