Eczema Support
Traditionally used to relieve mild symptoms associated with eczema and dermatitis.
Various types of dermatitis including contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis (eczema) and seborrheic dermatitis (cradle cap).
Adults over 12 years of age: 10 drops three times a day as required.
Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional. Store below 25°C in a cool, dry place. Do not use it if the cap seal is broken. For short term use unless under the advice of a health professional. Individual results may vary.
Contains Homeopathic preparations of Graphites 30C, Mezereum 30C, Dulcamara 30C, Rhus Toxicodendron 30C, Sulphur 30C, Sulphuricum Acidum 30C, Petroleum 30C.
Eczema is a very common occurring skin condition affecting around 800,000 Australians. 1 in every third child suffers from eczema.
Although eczema mainly affects the skin, the best-combined approach to treat eczema are:
- Improve the Gut Microbiome
- Treat the allergies
- Improve immune system
- Create a good Skin care routine
- Balance the minerals in the body
NaturePathics Gut Tonic, Immune Tonic and Calm and Balanced would be beneficial in taking in conjunction with Eczema support to enhance healing and quicken the recovery process.
We recommend supporting the immune system with NaturePathics Immune Tonic which will also provide protection from illness.
A good balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, bone broths and stews may help with further supporting the immune system. Vitamin D from natural sunlight 20 minutes a day has been known to further help with symptoms of colds, coughs and infections.