Relieving Stress and Anxiety in Women Naturally

Stress and anxiety are killers! Do not take these conditions lightly and feel afraid to ask for help as you’re not alone.

In my many years of practice as a Homeopath, I have seen many women suffer stress and anxiety triggered by many factors (which I will be highlighting in the next section). I met some women in debilitating conditions due to prolonged accumulation of stress, some even giving up as if life was sucked out of them.

Anyways, some women summoned up courage after realizing how much damage stress and anxiety is causing their productivity and overall well being. I have had many come to me and ask, “How do I reduce my stress and anxiety?”

Good news is that I am very happy I was able to help them improve their emotional and mental health with natural complementary solutions, including  our Calm and Balanced.

What are the Common Triggers of Stress and Anxiety?

In my Homeopathy practice, I see people who suffer stress and anxiety for many reasons, including:

  •         A stressful job
  •         Difficult relationship
  •         Managing their kids
  •         Loss of a loved one
  •         Past and present traumas
  •         Divorce
  •         Financial loss, etc.

Now, to keep it simple, do you relate to any of these feelings?

  •         You find it hard to concentrate or focus on a task and tend to forget things easily
  •         You feel burnt out or overwhelmed
  •         You always crave stimulants – caffeine drinks, alcohol, coffee, smoking – to keep going
  •         You feel too much pressure and disappointed in yourself
  •         You lack energy and motivation – you find it difficult to start a new thing
  •         You suffer social phobias and panic attacks

If you relate to any of these, then you might be suffering from stress or anxiety issues. 

Well, it is okay to go through a stressful period at some point in life, everyone does, anyways. We all feel anxious before that interview; as our expected delivery date draws closer; as we await our test results, and more.

But when these stressful situations and anxiety become the norm, taking over your life, then it becomes a problem and the effects can be shattering on your overall quality of life.

What Relieves Stress and Anxiety?

You might be wondering and asking, “How do I reduce my stress and anxiety?” Well, there are several treatment options for chronic anxiety, including psychological therapy such as CBT or counselling. These measures help people process their experiences and minimize their stress.

Sometimes, medications are often prescribed, especially when you visit a health care practitioner. These drugs offer help in their own ways, but many people often worry about the unwanted side effects and the risk of drug dependency, especially in chronic cases.

Relieving Stress and Anxiety Naturally: Does Homeopathy Work?

Good news for everyone suffering chronic stress and anxiety is that you can find relief with some natural measures and homeopathy is not left out.

Homeopathic solutions are natural and non-addictive. However, note that they are complementary treatments and not a complete replacement for conventional medicine.  

Homeopathy has hundreds of thousands of remedies to choose from based on your constitution and requirements. So, it is always important to speak with an expert.

For many years now, I have worked with different people struggling with stress and anxiety at different levels. I mean people from all walks of life – managers, administrators, teachers, directors, mums, craftworkers, and children too.

Well, people had different stories and experiences that triggered their stress and anxiety, but one thing is common in all of these people - they all want a better way to cope with stress and anxiety to get a better hold of their life, happiness, and overall well being.

What homeopathy does is it recognizes the uniqueness in people’s problems and offers tailor-made remedies that help to facilitate healing, in a gentle, yet effective manner. One common homeopathic solution that you may consider for enjoying natural relief from stress and anxiety is - Calm and Balanced.

What More Do You Gain Asides Relief from Stress and Anxiety?

Homeopathy goes beyond relieving stress and anxiety, it also benefits you in other ways, including:

  •         Better focus and concentration
  •         A positive outlook on life itself
  •         Increased motivation and energy
  •         Improved self-esteem and confidence
  •         Feeling happier, healthier and enjoying life

Relieving Stress and Anxiety in Women Naturally: Homeopathy with NaturePathics

Here’s a review from one of the people who consulted – Morkare Nature Clinic for homeopathy remedies:

“I have been using "Calm & Balanced" remedy. The drops have been helping me ease stresses & anxiety that occur so that I am better able to cope with everyday life. - Rosaria B

Finding your best Homeopathic remedy for stress and anxiety

There are numerous Homeopathic remedies for stress, anxiety, difficulty focusing, and fear. However, you need to first understand the primary cause of your stress to find that remedy that best suits you.

In other words, you need to know if you’re stressed due to emotional issues, work, fear, anticipation of an event, or other causes.

Next, you need to look at how you respond emotionally and mentally to the stress-inducing situation. This is important because everyone responds differently to stressful conditions. Some people tend to become agitated, some become fearful and anxious, some retreat into a solitary life, while others show a combination of responses.

You may need some help understanding the stressful situation and how you react. Reach out to a health expert now!

That being said, several homeopathic remedies are recommended for different conditions related to stress and anxiety.

However, you may try this homeopathic combination remedy – Calm and Balanced - for stress and anxiety. This solution carefully blend key single remedies, including preparations of Chamomilla 30C, Gelsemium sempervirens 30C, Passiflora incarnata 30, Valeriana officinalis 30C, Coffea crud 30C, Capsicum annum 30C.

Calm and Balanced – Homeopathic remedy for relieving stress and Anxiety Naturally

Calm and Balanced” is a 50ml oral drop homeopathic solution that combines 6 of the best homeopathic remedies for stress and anxiety. It is simple to use – just add 10 drops under your tongue three times daily. This may help you get relief from that constant tiredness and restlessness, poor sleep, difficulty sleeping, stress and anxiety.

However, note that this remedy does not displace the need for medical consultation with a health professional. This is a complementary treatment meant to support treatment by your doctor.

Moreover, other holistic measures to reduce stress and anxiety include eating a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, exercising, meditation, and practicing deep relaxation. Combining Calm and Balanced with these measures is a good way to dissipate stress and improve your overall quality of life. 

NaturePathics offers a host of other natural homeopathic preparations that can help complement treatment of several health conditions. You may view our full range of products.

And for a detailed consultation to get specific treatment for your condition and symptoms, we recommend Morkare Nature Clinic.